What You Should Know about an Orgasm
What You Should Know about an Orgasm December 13, 2015 By kylie There are seven types of orgasms that a woman can experience. Almost...
What Can Make My Vagina Tighter
What Can Make My Vagina Tighter June 2, 2015 By kylie Many women realize that as they grow older they lose the firmness that they had...
Ways to Increase Your Self Esteem in Bed
Ways to Increase Your Self Esteem in Bed May 4, 2016 By kylie Being confident in bed might sound easy, but it can be hard work that often...
My V-Tight Gel Review – Is it the Best Vaginal Tightening Cream?
My V-Tight Gel Review – Is it the Best Vaginal Tightening Cream? Thinking about buying V tight gel? Here is my personal experience and...
How V-tight Gel and Kegel Exercises Can Help A Woman
How V-tight Gel and Kegel Exercises Can Help A Woman April 27, 2015 By kylie Today, our lives are very different from the lives of our...
The Top 3 Beauty Tips for 2016
The Top 3 Beauty Tips for 2016 April 3, 2016 By kylie As much as they say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, we can’t just...
My V-Tight Gel Review – Is it the Best Vaginal Tightening Cream?
My V-Tight Gel Review – Is it the Best Vaginal Tightening Cream? Thinking about buying V tight gel? Here is my personal experience and...
Manjakani and vagina tigheting
Manjakani and vagina tigheting June 30, 2015 By kylie It is a fact of life that men like a tight vagina for sexual pleasure. Most males...
Is the Discharge from my Vagina Normal?
Is the Discharge from my Vagina Normal? June 1, 2016 By kylie Vaginal discharge is a normal phenomenon for all women who are between...
How to Tighten Your Vagina Naturally
How to Tighten Your Vagina Naturally The first few years of marriage is like a wonderful dream, sex is usually amazing, the man you have...