Can Diet Help Make Your Vagina Tight Again?
Can Diet Help Make Your Vagina Tight Again?
March 2, 2016 By kylie
There can be numerous reasons for a woman to have a floppy vagina. While some women become loosened as a trait from birth, others develop it after childbirth. Whatever be the case, an looser body can result in a number of issues including reduced sexual pleasure, incontinence and delayed orgasm because of reduced friction between the penis and the inside of a woman during intercourse. This can spoil the intimacy between spouses. If you are wondering whether diet help make your body more firm, you are not alone. This is a million-dollar question each woman wants to know. Read on to find out.
Is diet going to make me tight again?
When it comes to dieting, foods that strengthen your pelvic floor muscles are not at the top your list, but they should be. Dietary intervention is one of the most effective ways of tightening your wide privates. Studies have found that feeding your pelvic muscle appropriately every day will strengthen and repair the muscles down there. While diet is effective in making your lady-bits smaller, certain foods should be avoided as they can irritate the bladder, causing you to feel like you want to pee more often.
How is diet going to make me young again?
The vulva stretches a great deal during child bearing in order to allow a smooth passage of a child. This causes the cervix to lose its firmness, hence becoming loose. Estrogen, a compound found in certain foods, has been proven to resolve this problem. Estrogen boosts collagen expression in your pelvic floor muscles for better grip and improved vaginal lubricating fluids to promote its firmness over time. Therefore, foods that are high in estrogens should be a staple in your diet, along with starchy foods.
What foods should you consume?
There are certain kinds of foods you should be eating if you need to tighten your vagina ( Foods that are high in estrogens should be high in your diet list. They include sesame seeds, pomegranates fenugreek, wheat berries, carrots and yarns. Also, ensure that you eat lots of wholegrain organic carbs and organic lean animal protein. These will help return the lost firmness and elasticity. Estrogen-rich fruits include apple, tomatoes, cherries, rhubarb, pomegranate, plums and papaya. Starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta are also great as they have been found to contain properties that help keep your pelvic muscles strong.
Is food alone enough to make me firm?
Diet does, indeed, make your whole body firm, but it is not quick fix. Results can be seen after a few months of lifestyle change. There’s simply no down side to the consumption of these foods. In addition to shrinking your lady-bits, they will improve your overall well-being. This is especially helpful if you suffer from certain conditions that require healthy eating. For faster results, throw in kegel exercises as well. The cervical workouts most often suggested by therapists are kegels, leg up and squats. They make the pelvic floor muscles that surround the private parts stronger and you don’t require expansive equipment to perform them.